Sunday, August 5, 2012

all they need to do is get to Britain and utter that magic word "Asylum"

If you've wondered why all those Muslim Migrants want to go to Britain as their number one preferred country, this little video should explain it.


Anonymous said...

Some local councils in England have bent over backwards to please these useless people too. There was a famous case of one council banning the Union Jack from their flagpoles in case it might upset immigrants! And other which banned the use of Latin terms that are common n English for the same reason - talk about "political correctness" gone mad.

Red_Cardinal said...

I don't want to accuse you of being gullable. However, do you actually believe the crap quoted in this video? Contrary to popular belief, asylum seekers so not get tons of benefits and don't have any easy time of it!

Mr Anonymous, you're incorrect about the Councils too I'm afraid. No Councils did anything you suggest. - You shouldn't believe everything you read in the tabloid press!

transpress nz said...

It is probably all based on on media reports, although of course if they are published by a Rupert Murdoch News Corporation member, they should be treated with caution.